Nashik Police has launched an inquiry into the allegations that some cops have attended the wedding ceremony of underworld kingpin and 1993 Mumbai blast accused Dawood Ibrahim’s niece. The probe was initiated after a daily reported that some policemen and politicians had participated in the wedding.
“An inquiry has been ordered to check the veracity of the allegations. We will check if policemen attended the wedding, how many of them attended and who all attended the wedding.” Indian Express quoted Nashik city Police Commissioner Ravindra Singhal as saying. Reports also suggest that the function was also attended by local politicians, including legislators and corporators.
Police officials posted at Nashik’s Bhadrakali police station in Old City area attended the marriage ceremony held at a posh mall in the Mahatma Nagar area on May 22.
“The invitation for the marriage was sent to some police officials of Bhadrakali police station and also to some corporators, political personalities, MLAs etc.,” he told PTI.
Singhal, however, didn’t specify the exact number of police personnel who participated in the function.
Meanwhile, police have started the process of recording the statements of the policemen who attended the wedding. “It will take two days to complete the internal enquiry against the officials as some of them are on leave,” he said, adding that the police force was also busy in providing bandobast in Malegaon in the district where municipal corporation elections were held today. It was the wedding of Dawood’s niece and son of a former corporator in Nashik, the police said.
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