In a shocking incident, a newborn was bitten by a rat as the mother and the child were sleeping on the floor of a hospital in Madhya Pradesh’s Shivpuri district. Sunita, a resident of Kumharaua village, was admitted in the delivery ward on May 14. She later gave birth to a baby girl. As there were no beds available in the district hospital, she had to spend the night sleeping on the floor.
On May 15, their second night of sleeping on the floor, Sunita saw bleeding from her newborn’s finger. She also spotted a rat running away, which made it clear that the rodent had nibbled on her child’s finger.Talking to IANS, the hospital’s regional medical officer SS Gujjar agreed that there are bite marks on the girl’s finger but said that it is unclear if the wounds are due to a rat.
“The newborn has been given injections against any infections and she is healthy,” he added.
This incident has come a month after a four-month-old Kuheli Chakraborty, who was admitted to the city’s Apollo Gleneagles Hospital in Kolkata for a colonoscopy, allegedly died of anaesthetic overdose , the patient’s kin alleged.
According to the kid’s father, the baby was left unattended for a whole day when she was admitted and was not given any food for more than 12 hours before conducting the test.
“The doctors advised to keep her in fasting on April 17 before the colonoscopy but decided not to go ahead with the test after 3 p.m. She was not given any food till afternoon next day. My daughter became weak and dehydrated. She could not be brought back to consciousness after the test,” the father alleged.
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