President Ram Nath Kovind moved into the Rashtrapati Bhavan, last month. The grand complex was given a makeover to suit the new president of India. Erstwhile President Pranab Mukherjee had undertaken various restoration projects in the grand building during his tenure. Along with the architectural changes, what has been cooking in President’s kitchen has also reportedly changed.
Unlike, Pranab Mukherjee, Ram Nath Kovind is a strict vegetarian and reportedly prefers a vegetarian Thali. The smell of traditional Bengali fish curry no more lingers out of the building’s kitchen anymore. The current President prefers to eat simple non-spicy food ever since he moved to the Rashtrapati Bhavan. He also keeps the salt-intake in check and makes sure very little salt goes into the various kinds of vegetable he likes in his meal.
“The President has not expressed his fondness for any particular food. He loves different sabzis (vegetables). But one thing is evident … he is very conscious about his salt intake. The instruction is to put as little salt as possible,” Hindustan Times quoted a source as saying. However, Pranab Mukherjee and Ram Nath Kovind have a similar food habit. Both of them are not a sweet tooth and thus an elaborate sweet dish or delicacy does not make it to the menu.
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President Ram Nath Kovind is reportedly fond Bihar’s traditional dish litti-chokha which is prepared with stuffed whole wheat dough balls with roasted chana dal and spices inside. Kovind was the Governor of Bihar before he took over as the President of the country.
As of 2016, Montu Saini was the executive chef to the President of India. It is still unclear whether he continues to remain Rashtrapati Bhavan’s executive chef. Apart from an executive chef, the President is allowed to bring 2 personal cooks along with them. Former President Pratibha Patil also got her own cooks from Maharashtra when she took over Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Source: Hindustan Times
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