Soon, the fine of Rs 50,000 will be impose on those who will be found dumping in the stretch between Haridwar and Unnao of River Ganga. The step has been taken by the National Green Tribunal (NGT )to ensure that no more damage is done to the river.
The bench of NGT, headed by Justice Swatanter Kumar has also ordered that no waste dumping to be allowed within 500 metres of the Ganga. Also, 100 metres from the river Ganga to be declared as a “no-development zone”.
The NGT bench also observed that no more amount should now be spend by the central government on cleaning of the river as already Rs 7,000 crore has been spent on the project. MC Mehta, environmental activist in his petition before the NGT has asked for the CBI inquiry into the amount spend by the government.
As per a report in PTI, Mehta said, ” I think there should be an enquiry by the Government of India. There is definitely more money spent than Rs 7,000 crore as every authority has spent money on cleaning of the river. There should be a CBI enquiry or a CAG audit on how the funds have been spent, as this is the public money which has been wasted’.
Also Read: In a relief to Uttarakhand govt, SC stays high court order banning mining in Ganga
Also, the tribunal has directed the Uttar Pradesh and the Uttrakhand government to come up with the guidelines for religious activities that takes place on the ghats of Ganga or its tributaries.
Also Read: Ganga water not even suitable for bathing, many toxic materials found: Report
A few months ago, it was revealed that the water quality of river Ganga is not suitable for bathing. This came to light after the water quality tests were conducted at 11 locations from Gangotri to Haridwar in Uttarakhand.
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