Ex-Chief Minister of Haryana, Om Prakash Chautala, who is currently serving his jail term in Tihar jail has successfully cleared his Class 12 exam at the age of 82. Chautala who passed with an A grade appeared for his higher secondary exams at the centre meant for prisoners at Tihar Jail.
According to reports, Chautala is now planning to take up an undergraduate course. Chautala’s son, Abhay Singh Chautala, confirmed the news and asserted that his father was on parole during the exams but he went back to the jail to appear for the exams.
Chautala’s son further asserted that his father had worked really hard for the exams adding that he used to visit the library set up in the jail regularly and had even urged the family members to send him his course books so he could study. “The last exam was held on April 23. He was out on parole during that time, but since the examination centre was inside the jail premises, he went back to jail and sat for the exam,” Indian Express quoted Abhay Singh Chautala as saying.
“He decided to utilise his jail term more meaningfully. Now, he goes to the jail library daily, where he reads newspapers and books. He asks the jail staff to arrange for his favourite books. He reads books about great politicians across the world. Sometimes, he asks us to send course books also,” Abhay Singh added.
Chautala, his son Ajay Chautala and three others are serving 10-year jail term awarded by a trial court in connection with the junior basic trained (JBT) teachers’ recruitment scam case.
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