A woman in Tamil Nadu posted a live video on Facebook saying that she was being harassed by her husband and his father for dowry. Seeking help, she posted the video alleging that they have been having issues in her marriage and he even beats her up.
29-year-old Christian Dilna Alphonsa married Abhijith Balan in 2014 and converted to Hinduism after the wedding. “Ours was a love marriage — I was a Christian and he is a Hindu. I converted to Hinduism to marry him. We got married at the Arya Samaj in Kozhikode. He had made all the arrangements for the conversion and wedding,” she said in a Facebook live.
She posted the video on Facebook from a lake resort at Vaikom in Kottayam district where her husband works as a General Manager. “The management of the resort has asked me to leave. He is knocking on the door, but I won’t open it as I am scared of him,” she added.
Dilna has also accused that her father-in-law has threatened that he would kill her if she does not pay them the dowry. She also alleged that her father-in-law has often spoken of his close connections with many politicians claiming that it will be hard to bring him to book.
The two registered their marriage at the Kozhikode Corporation but the woman claims that her husband has now said that the formalities were not even valid. She also said that he has asked her to leave saying that her standard does not match with his. “When we got married, my husband was an assistant sales manager in a firm. I was told that his monthly salary is Rs 18,000. Now, he says that I am not a wife matching up to his current status and that he wants me to leave. He has threatened to kill me if I don’t leave the place,” she said in the video.
However, the woman who took the decision against the wish of her parents has nowhere to go.
On the day when she recorded the video, she claims that her husband strangled her and she even has a bump on her head. “He tried to kill me, he strangled me. There is a bump on my forehead. He says he wants me to leave because I used to be a Christian”, she can be heard as saying in the video.
A case has been filed by the Vaikom Police against her husband under section 489A for harassment in the name of dowry. Though the police are yet to take her husband’s statement, they have maintained that the investigation has begun and it’s on the right track.
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