A 25-year-old software engineer in Pune died due to excessive bleeding after being knocked down by a hit-and-run accident. Sadly, he didn’t get any help from the passerby, else his life could have been happened. Identified as Satish Prabhakar Mete, the software engineer was left bleeding on the road as the onlookers hose to shoot videos and click photos of the accident instead of taking the deceased to the hospital.
According to a Times of India report, Kartikraj Kate, a dentist from Bhosari was the one who stopped to help Mete and took him to Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital in Pimpri, however, he was declared dead by the doctors.
Mete hailed from Aurangabad and used to work with a company in Bhosari.
Kate was on his way to his clinic when he noticed a crowd at Indrayaninagar corner. “When I slowed down, I saw a badly injured man lying on the road. He was soaked in blood but was conscious,” he said, according to the TOI report.
The man was bleeding profusely and his face was covered with a cloth. “He was moving his hands and legs. People had gathered around him. Some clicked photographs of the accident scene, while some one shot a video too. But none of them was ready to help him,” said the dentist.
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Mete had sustained severe head injuries and was bleeding from the nose and ears. On the way to hospital, Kate tried to save the man’s life by giving him cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), however, after some time, the accident victim stopped responding.
The doctors took an electrocardiogram at the hospital and declared him brought dead. “His life could have been saved had the onlookers around taken him to the hospital immediately,” said the dentist.
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