President of All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen (AIMIM) Asadudin Owaisi on Saturday took potshots at Bharaitya Janata Party for it dual stand on cow slaughter. Talking about the ban that has been imposed in BJP ruled states, Owaisi said, “BJP’s hypocrisy is that in Uttar Pradesh Cow is mummy but in the Northeast its yummy.”
His statement has come a few days after the BJP said that no ban would be put on beef eating in North-East. BJP has recently formed the government in Manipur, the state that was ruled by Congress for last 15 years.
BJP’s hypocrisy is that in Uttar Pradesh Cow is mummy but in the Northeast its yummy: Asaduddin Owaisi
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 1, 2017
Few days back, BJP chief in Nagaland Visasolie Lhoungu told the Hindustan Times, “Ban on cow slaughter like the one in UP won’t take effect in Nagaland if our party comes to power next year. The reality here is very different and our central leaders are aware of that.”
Earlier, Owaisi while addressing the media outside Parliament said that the slaughterhouses which are running illegally should be given some time and should not be locked down recklessly.
He also hold previous government responsible for it. Owaisi said, “It is the fault of the previous Samajwadi Party government that did not regularise the slaughterhouses.Now, the government should give them time for regularisation instead of sealing them.”
After the announcement, several meat suppliers in Lucknow had gone on a strike and said that because previous government did not renew their licence, therefore, now their legal businesses have turned illegal.
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