In This Haryana Village, Loudspeakers Worth Rs 1.5L Instil Patriotism In Residents Every Morning Reportedly, the installation of speakers, placed strategically to reach all 3,000 residents, alone cost Rs 1.5 lakh
This Ghaziabad Woman Claims She Was Forced Out Of Home For Feeding Stray Dogs She uploaded a Facebook live video narrating about her ordeal.
No More Freezing Offices: Power Ministry Considers Making 24°C As Default Setting In ACs According to BEE report, total installed air conditioner capacity in India would increase three-fold by 2030 owing to the huge demand
Environmentalists Rejoice As Maharashtra Imposes Plastic Ban With Heavy Penalty A 249-member team of civic inspectors are set to implement measures to curb plastic usage with supervision in places
Vrindavan — India’s City Of Widows Discernible by the chant of "Radhe Radhe" and the whiff of fresh dairy wafting through its streets, Vrindavan is also home to nearly 20,000 widows
Thanks To Irresponsible Tourism, No Paragliding, Rafting In Uttarakhand For Now Uttarakhand High Court has banned paragliding, water rafting and other water sports citing environmental concerns and safety of people engaging in these activities.
Taunted Over Dark Skin, Maharashtra Woman Poisons Food Leaving 5 Dead, 120 Sick Of the five dead, four were kids between the ages of seven to 13.