The Pampore terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir ended on Wednesday, three days after it started with two terrorists being gunned down by the security forces. The bodies of both the terrorists killed in the operation have been recovered.
Combing operations are underway to nuetralise the area. “This operation was a very tricky operation because it is a very huge building, and we didn’t want any collateral damage. There were chances of civilians being inside, all those people were taken out,” GOC Victor Force Major General Ashok Narula said.
“It is sad that its for the second time they had occupied this building, both the times it was targeted. We have taken our time, this is one building which has 60 rooms. 60 rooms had 60 bathrooms also, it takes time to clear each room,” he added.
Security forces had been pounding the Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) since Monday when the terrorists attacked.
“We started day before yesterday in the morning, yesterday we kept working on it and today we in the morning we started clearing operations,” he said while giving details of the operation.
While no terror agency has owned it up, security forces believe that they belong to the Lashkar-e-toiba.
The may have entered the complex from the riverside. After getting inside the complex, the terrorists set a few mattresses on fire inside a hostel room to attract the attention of the police and other security forces, which arrived within minutes of the smoke emanating from the building.
No Indian casualty has been reported so far but one army soldier sustained injuries during the initial exchange of fire.
The building was attacked by the terrorists in February as well. Five security personnel, two army officers and an employee of the institute besides three terrorists were killed in that 48-hour-long operation then.
Meanwhile, curfew remained in force in Srinagar as a precautionary measure for Muharram, as normal life continued to remain affected on the 96th day since violence broke out in the Valley in the aftermath of Hizbul militant Burhan Wani.
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