Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently helped a 12-year-old boy who was suffering from a rare and a deadly disease to receive proper treatment. 12-year-old Parth was suffering from a brain disorder. His family reportedly wrote to PM Modi asking for his help. In what came as a surprise to the family, the Prime Minister responded personally.
In an interview to public service broadcaster, DD news, the boy’s revealed that he had given up on all the hopes of his son getting better until he wrote to the Prime Minister. Adding that due to a financial crunch he was unable to provide adequate treatment to his son, the boy’s father told DD news that he had even sold off all his property and wife’s jewellery in order to arrange for the money.
Parth suffers from Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE). His father wrote to the Prime Minister four months after he was diagnosed with the disease.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote to him just days after he wrote to him affirming that he would be provided with all the necessary support for the treatment of the child. Parth is now undergoing a treatment at the AIIMs hospital in the national capital. However, his condition continues to be critical.
This is, however, not the first time that the Prime Minister has come forward to help people who had written to him. There have been a number of instances in the past where PM Modi had intervened as when people wrote to him.
Meanwhile, other BJP ministers including External Affairs minister Sushma Swaraj has also actively responded and come to the rescue of several people who had asked for help. She was working and ensuring the needs of the people who had asked for help were met even when she was herself undergoing treatment for kidney failure at AIIMS.
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