Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reported requested the ministers in the party to submit details of tours undertaken by them in the last 3 months. According to reports, the prime minister has taken the step to understand whether the lawmakers promoted the initiatives taken by the government including the demonetisation drive that was announced on November 8.
A PTI report asserted that Minister for Rural Development Narendra Singh Tomar has been interacting with the other ministers in this regard. They have reportedly been asked to submit the necessary details by February 13.
“All the ministers have been asked to submit details of their outstation tour programmes of the last three months. If not on tour, they should mention if they were in Delhi and attended office,” PTI quoted its source as saying.
“The idea is to know if the Ministers visited places beyond their respective constituencies to promote initiatives of government, particularly demonetisation. The exercise is also aimed at knowing if they were balancing office work and field duties,” the source added.
During the early months of demonetisation, the Prime Minister had directed his ministers to submit their bank details to Arun Jaitley. He had even urged the leaders to follow up on ideas put forth by the secretaries set by him and also implement them at the earliest.
Earlier in the say, while addressing a rally in Uttarakhand, Prime Minister unleashed a scathing attack on Congress saying, “Those who have looted the country for past 70 years now their game is over. They have to return it back to the country. Till all works are finished neither I will sit peacefully nor will I let the robbers sit peacefully”.
On increasing the fund allotted to the security personnel he said that the hike in funds given to them has not only helped them but also their family members.
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