Akhilesh Yadav took several jibes at the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath and also commented on the alleged discrimination against policemen belonging to a particular caste. The Samajwadi Party leader said, ‘only policemen of one particular caste are being suspended or transferred.’ Addressing the media on March 25, Akhilesh said, this is discrimination against the Yadav community.
Akhilesh’s comment came days after when Himanshu Kumar, IPS officer, said in a tweet that those police officers with a ‘Yadav’ surname were being targeted. He posted a series of tweets on Twitter regarding the discrimination made against policemen belonging to a particular caste.
@brajeshlive @cmofficeup @uppolice Why did DGP not allow proper investigation of FIR filed by me 309/16 PS Bisrakh Noida?
— Himanshu Kumar IPS (@Himanshu_IPS) March 22, 2017
Commenting on Adityanath’s last Lok Sabha speech where he brought up the former Chief Minister’s age, Akhilesh said that even though he was younger than his successor, he had the upper hand in experience.
“Of course, he is a year older to me, but as far as the work is concerned, he is far too smaller than me. Talking about the incidents, that are happening all over the state like shutting down of illegal slaughter houses, ‘Anti-Romeo’ squad; I’m waiting for the day when these issues will be highlighted with Yogi’s picture- the way media used my picture while reporting (such) incidents earlier.” said Yadav.
Akhilesh further asserted that when he will form the government again in 2022, he will sprinkle ‘Ganga jal’ on all the government offices to purify them. “When we will form the government again in 2022, we will sprinkle Ganga jal not only on 5-Kalidas Marg, but also all the government offices (to purify them),” Yadav said evoking laughter from the gathering.
Akhilesh also emphatically voiced out his opinion on having elections with ballots.”Demands will be held in Uttar Pradesh and in the Lok Sabha elections, the way elections are held around the world, the ballot will be held in the same way,” said Yadav.
In the recently-concluded elections in Uttar Pradesh, Yadav-led Samajwadi Party faced a stinging defeat at the hands of the BJP which won 312 seats in the 403-member Assembly.
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