Yet again, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) raised the issue of EVM tampering at the special session of the Delhi Assembly on Tuesday. Giving out a demonstration in the Assembly, MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj brought the Electronic Voting Machine to the House and showed how the votes counted are different from the votes polled in. “Voting machines are checked to be working fine the day of the polls. This is easily shown even with tampered machines. As voters cast their votes they believe their vote goes to the right party,” Saurabh Bhardwaj claimed.
Saurabh Bhardwaj displays how the manipulator enters the code and completely changes the vote share in the polls. “Once the polls close EVMS are sealed, numbers are noted and EVMs are guarded till strongrooms. But tampering is already done,” he claimed.
Suarabh Bhardwaj successfully demonstrates how EVMs are tampered. Vote tally is absolutely different from actual votes cast. #WeChallengeEC
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) May 9, 2017
LIVE demo of EVM tampering by @Saurabh_MLAgk
Votes polled – EVM Result
AAP 10 – 2
BSP 2 – 2
BJP 3 – 11
Cong 2 – 2
SP 2 – 2#WeChallengeEC— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) May 9, 2017
Votes polled 2,2,2,2,2
Code entered 1,2,3,4,14
More votes polled 8,0,1,0,0
Final votes 10,2,3,2,2
EVM result 2,2,11,2,2#WeChallengeEC— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) May 9, 2017
“I have seen again and again in the country, that whoever one votes for, vote goes to only BJP, due to VVPAT,” Bhardwaj claimed. He also threw an open challenge to BJP to give the EVM machines to be used in the upcoming Gujarat polls and assured that the BJP will not win even a single vote.
Hitting back at the AAP, the BJP claimed that the allegations are being levelled to divert people’s attention. “In Delhi assembly AAP MLAs mocking democracy, another stunt to divert public attention from Kejriwal’s corruption,” he said.
In Delhi assembly AAP MLAs mocking democracy, another stunt to divert public attention from Kejriwal’s corruption. #ShameOnKejriwal
— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) May 9, 2017
Kejriwal is petrified as he knows that the truth is out thus constantly evading the media. #Kejriwal MUST answer.
— BJP Tarun Chugh (@bjptarunchugh) May 9, 2017
Earlier speaking at the assembly, AAP leader Alka Lamba raised the issue questioning why the Election Commission used old machines for Delhi polls. She also alleged that 5000 machines were brought in from Rajasthan despite the EC claiming that they have 15000 machines to conduct polls in 13,000 polling booths.
Responding to allegations that the AAP is raising the issue of EVM tampering when it lost while did not raise the topic when it won 66 out of 70 seats in Delhi elections in 2015, she said that it was evident that Delhi wanted a change when AAP won.
When LK Advani lost, he raised questions about EVMs; why was it correct then and isn’t now? – MLA Naresh Yadav:
— AAP In News (@AAPInNews) May 9, 2017
Earlier in the House, the Speaker saluted the CRPF soldiers who were martyred in a Maoist attack in Sukma in Chattisgarh. Obituary reference was also made for the soldiers who lost their lives and their bodies were mutilated in a recent attack in Jammu and Kashmir.
Before the special session of the Delhi Assembly began, activists of the BJP youth wing protested near Arvind Kejriwal’s residence. They also demanded his resignation and over the charges of corruption levelled against them by suspended AAP leader Kapil Mishra. The protesters were stopped by the police at a barricade and water cannons were used on them when they tried to break the security cordon.
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