Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal seems to have been hit hard by the recent results of the Municipal corporation of Delhi in which it lost to the Bharatiya Janata Party by a huge margin. To bring together the broken pieces, the Aam Aadmi Party chief convenor is meeting every MLA in a one on one interaction. The question that he is asking everyone in these meetings is ‘what went wrong in the MCD elections?’
After warning his party members yesterday against falling into BJP’s trap, a report in News18 says that Kejriwal has sought a report card from all MLAs in the wake of the party’s loss in the MCD elections.
Kejriwal had on Thursday advised the newly-elected municipal councillors of the AAP against “betraying the party” by falling into the BJP’s trap. Kejriwal had administered them a pledge of “loyalty”. “No anti-defection law governs the corporations. So the BJP will try to lure you away. Always keep your phones on recording mode so that you can expose such attempts later. They may even offer you Rs 10 crore as they have a lot of money,” he said.
The AAP chief said betraying the party and the movement, of which it is a product, would be tantamount to “betraying God”.
Kejriwal had also stressed on the need for the councillors to maintain good rapport with volunteers and MLAs saying that the volunteers are the party’s backbone.
The BJP retained control of all the three corporations, bagging 181 wards while the AAP could win just 48 of 272 wards.
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