November 8, 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi banned the old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes. Thirty days on, most parts of India are still trying to come to terms with the cash crunch. There are long unending lines outside ATMS and banks and people are looking for alternatives to deal with the cash chaos.
Thanking people for their support, Modi on Thursday assured that the short term pain will pave way for long term gains. “I salute the people of India for wholeheartedly participating in this ongoing Yagna against corruption, terrorism & black money. I always said that the Government’s measure will bring a degree of inconvenience but this short term pain will pave way for long-term gains,” he tweeted.
I salute the people of India for wholeheartedly participating in this ongoing Yagna against corruption, terrorism & black money.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
The opposition parties have been criticising Modi for the move and the manner in which it was implemented. Congress which is observing a black day on Thursday against demonetisation, said the decision was taken without any consideration.
Calling the move of currency swap as “foolish”, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi said, “If I am allowed to speak in the Lok Sabha, I will show to all how Paytm means ‘Pay to Modi.”
He also said When asked about the disruption in Parliament, the Congress vice-president said the responsibility of running the House is with the government and the Speaker, not the opposition.
While Parliament was yet again disrupted over the issue, the government pointed fingers at the Gandhi family, saying those questioning the ruling dispensation are the ones supporting the black money holders.
Here is the message by the PM to the nation in tweets:
The Government's decision has several gains for farmers, traders, labourers, who are the economic backbone of our nation.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
I always said that the Government's measure will bring a degree of inconvenience but this short term pain will pave way for long term gains.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
No longer will the progress & prosperity of rural India be curtailed by corruption & black money. Our villages must get their due.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
We also have a historic opportunity to embrace increased cashless payments & integrate latest technology in economic transactions.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
My young friends, you are agents of change who will make India corruption free & ensure more cashless transactions.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
Together, we must ensure #IndiaDefeatsBlackMoney. This will empower the poor, neo-middle class, middle class & benefit future generations.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2016
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