BJP lawmaker Vijender Gupta was suspended from the special session of the Delhi Assembly for not letting the house to function for over 30 minutes by the speaker, Ram Niwas Goel. Vijender Gupta who along with other members of the opposition tried to trained their guns at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and raised the issue of bribery charges but were not allowed to make a statement.
“I am not giving permission to raise the issue at any cost” speaker continued to tell the BJP leaders. Vijender Gupta who made an attempt to move the adjournment motion refused to sit down despite being asked to take his seat repeatedly by the speaker. The marshals were called in and were asked to escort him out after he refused to budge.
Delhi: BJP MLA Vijendra Gupta marshaled out of the Delhi Assembly
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 9, 2017
After being evicted from the assembly, Vijender Gupta unleashed a scathing attack on AAP and told the media that AAP was “heavily” involved in corruption. “We want Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal to dismiss the ministers facing corruption charges including Satyendra Jain. I was raising the issue of corruption but was asked to leave the assembly,” Vijender Gupta told the media.
“I want Satyendra Jain to be arrested. Arvind Kejriwal is supporting him. Democracy is being destroyed,” vijendra Gupta told the reporters.
This is not the first time that Vijender Singh has been marshalled out, Gupta was evicted from the assembly in the year 2015 for using derogatory remarks against AAP leader Alka Lamba.
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