After forming the government in Uttar Pradesh (UP) under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is now moving ahead with their next mission to transform five cities of the state including Varanasi, Agra, Mathura, Ayodhya and Gorakhpur. These are among several projects which were discussed in a meeting held in Delhi between CM Adityanath and Union Tourism and Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma.
The newly elected CM of UP has assured the tourism minister for the fast commencement of the projects announced by the government in past two years but they could not flourish. This discussion also included the concept of modification of five cities in the state which includes both PM Narendra Modi and CM Adityanath’s Lok Sabha constituencies Varanasi and Gorakhpur respectively.
After the meeting, Mahesh Sharma said,”A meeting has been done to promote the tourism in the state. The specific details will be put in action later.”
According to several media reports, it has been learned that the first step towards development will be the enhancement of the major tourist attractions including the cities whose temples are the centre of attraction and re widely famous. This plan also includes renovation of railway stations connecting those cities.
The media reports also quoted an official from tourism ministry saying,”The initial planning was to develop the major cities falling on the line of Amritsar. But now Gorakhpur has also been added in the list as it’s the constituency of the new CM.”
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