Comedian Kapil Sharma and his fight with Sunil Grover has become a national obsession. And guess what it just got mentioned in the Parliament as well. And not a small mention. But a big big mention amid applause. So are the most important mostly men and some women our country discussing Kapil Sharm’s fight with a colleague in an Air India flight?
To give you some context, here’s the story. A few days back member of Parliament from Shiv Sena Ravindra Gaikwad hit 60 year old Air India staffer with his chappal several times. He nearly pushed him off the flight. He had a tiff with the crew member because of some changes in the sitting arrangement. The story only takes a more bizarre turn from here. After reaching the Indira Gandhi National Airport, he bragged about beating the old crew member in front of the media. The disturbing visuals of him abusing the crew members went viral. Eventually, Air India decided to put him on No Fly list. All private airlines lend support to AI’s action and refused to give tickets to Gaikwad to return to Maharashtra from Delhi. Now, Shiv Sena is seeing this is a direct breach of an MP’s privilege. And proof of “Air India’s dadagiri”.
They want Air India to apologise for their action. And this is exactly where Kaphil Sarma makes an entry in the story. According to Shiv Sena, the Kapil Sharma Sunil Grover brawl also took place in an Air India flight. But Sharma hasn’t been banned. Then why ban their MP? Yes that’s the best argument Shiv Sena could up to save their member’s ass. It would be a wrong to even consider or pay attention to such a ludicrous argument.
But for argument’s sake too, Shiv Sena doesn’t really have a case here.
First, Kapil Sharma is not an MP. Second, he didn’t beat up a crew member of the Air India and third, two wrongs don’t make a right. For all the people who are so worried about Kapil Sharma’s highly sexist, racist and classist comedy show losing its sheen, please stop worrying. As long as people like Gaikwad are in our Parliaments, crass comedy will always be part of our lives.
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