Former chief secretary of Tamil Nadu. P Rammohan Rao made some startling allegations just days after being sacked saying that the CRPF entered his house illegally alleging that they did not have any search warrant against him.
Contradicting Income Tax Department’s statements, Rao claimed that they had found nothing in his house during the raid and that he was being targetted as he was a “hurdle” for many. He further alleged that the CRPF entered his house at gunpoint and that his life was in danger.
“I am being targeted. I am afraid, my life is in danger. The CRPF entered my house, they entered my son’s house at gun point. Why did they do that? I may be a big hurdle for many,” Rao told the media. Rao affirmed that he was still the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu adding that all of this would not taken place had the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa was alive.
They found Rs 1,12,320 in my house, gold that belongs to my wife & daughter & silver articles and ornaments of God around 20-25 kg: PRM Rao
— ANI (@ANI_news) December 27, 2016
I was the chief secy, I am the chief secy of Tamil Nadu.They have no guts to serve me with the copy of transfer order: P Rama Mohana Rao
— ANI (@ANI_news) December 27, 2016
Rammohan Rao has claimed that the IT department had found only one lakh from his house and that the raid was conducted without keeping the state government in the loop. He also went to thank Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for supporting him.
I’ll hand over to you the panchanama what IT Dept has found in my house; I was under house arrest: P Rama Mohana Rao
— ANI (@ANI_news) December 27, 2016
IAS Girija Vaidyanathan was transferred and posted as a new chief secretary of Tamil Nadu just a day after P Rammohan Rao was sacked after he was raided by Income tax department.
The Income Tax department conducted a 24 hour raid at Rammohan Rao’s residence that started on December 21.The Income Tax Department officials also raided Chief Secretary P. Rammohan Rao’s son’s residence and other relative’s houses.
The officials reportedly seized Rs 30 lakh cash in the new Rs 2000 currency notes and heavy amount of gold. Documents and assets worth Rs 5 crore were also recovered in the raid conducted at 11 places across the state.
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