Claiming that he is innocent, Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad on Thursday told Parliament that he did not beat any Air India employee and in fact asserted that he was a victim of injustice. Addressing the Lok Sabha, Gaikwad asked “what is my fault? Why am I being made to go through a media trial.”
Though he remained firm on his stand, Gaikwad apologised to Parliament if anyone has been hurt. “I apologise to Parliament if I’ve caused any hurt, but not to the Air India official.” He tendered an apology to Parliament but insisted that he owed no apology to the airline officials as he sought removal of the ban imposed on him by domestic airlines after he allegedly beat up an Air India officer with slippers.
WATCH | 'What is my crime,' asks Shiv Sena MP #RavindraGaikwad, accused of assaulting airline employee, in parliament
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 6, 2017
Meanwhile, the Narendra Modi government refused to intervene on the issue saying that law must take its own course. “The law should take its course. Aircraft are machines where people fly and safety is important. Safety will not be compromised,” Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapati Raju said.
Thereafter, dramatic scenes were witnessed in the Lok Sabha when Shiv Sena MPs threatened the Civil Aviation Minister and almost came to blows for the government’s decision to not intervene in the matter.
Gaikwad is facing criticism for his alleged unruly behaviour with an Air India staffer. Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut backed Gaikwad and said that he won’t run away and will speak on the matter on the floor of the house today.
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