After the Swachh Bharat survey revealed that India’s most politically significant state Uttar Pradesh is also the filthiest one, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has decided to take the matter into his own hands for improving the ranking of UP in the next survey. Armed with a broom, the UP CM today reached a congested area in Lucknow and swept the streets along with his ministers.
He initiated the cleanliness drive to encourage the citizens to participate in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan.
Uttar Pradesh, got very poor numbers on all cleanliness parameters in the nationwide cleanliness survey by the urban development ministry. Gonda turned out to be the dirtiest. Except for the holy city of Varanasi, PM Modi’s parliamentary constituency which ranked 32, no other UP city made it to the top 100. Fifty of the 62 of its cities that were surveyed ranked below 300.
Before the survey results, Adityanath had administered a pledge of cleanliness to officials and asked them to clean up their neighbourhoods and commit 100 hours every year to the cause. The head of the state had resolved to change the face of Uttar Pradesh soon after taking charge.
“We will ensure that cleanliness is maintained across the state. We will also focus on making Uttar Pradesh open defecation free,” Yogi Adityanath said today.
In the next few days, government officials across the state will be expected to spend more time cleaning areas under their jurisdiction.
Earlier in March, Yogi Adityanath had passed an order in which he had asked the Uttar Pradesh police to run a cleanliness drive at police stations and police lines every Friday. Notably, the order had stated that the police officers themselves would clean the police stations.
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