Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s number one detractor Mamata Banerjee came out with a list of question right after the Prime Minister finished his 45 minute address to the nation on New Year’s eve. She slammed the Prime Minister for disguising a pre-budget speech as one for the after-effects of demonetisation. She said that the Prime Minister failed to answer vital questions on the policy that was implemented on the night of 8 November.
She tweeted:
“PM deviated from actual agenda of black money & #DeMonetisation PM just took over post of Finance Minister and made pre- Budget speech”
“Where are the figures of #DeMonetisation? How much of black money recovered? What did the nation gain after 50days of excruciating pain?”
“This will be the New Year Resolution of all 125 crore people of this great country. End of Demonetization & Start of DeModitization. The year 2017 will mark the year of Demoditization.”
The Prime Minister on his part stood by the fact that demonetisation has helped curb terrorist activities in the country. He also thanked countrymen for supporting his policy. He also urged the banks to go out of its way and be more friendly and open to the needs of poor and the lower middle class. He also announced a number of schemes targeted at women, senior citizens and farmers. He also urged political parties to open the debate for allowing more transparency regarding political funding. However, he fell short of bringing political parties and its funding mechanism under the ambit of RTI. He highlighted need for Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections to take place at the same time to save extra burden on country’s finances and law and order.
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