The Ministry of Finance on Friday had its own Covfefe moment as its twitter handle left a confusing response to a two-day-old tweet by a private news channel. The ministry’s official handle tweeted: “Sawa we h we s see see”, followed by another confusing tweet that read, “Ess”. The handle responded to a news report by News 18 which went with the title ‘One apprehended in Delhi for selling crackers to people secretly’.
The social media reaction to this tweet is a hark back to the kind of response we saw to the infamous Twitter gaffe by US President Donald Trump that led to Covfefe becoming a legit word.
that was the moment Trump became prsiduvhirw
— Anthony Smith (@AnthonyBLSmith) May 31, 2017
Indian social media users were equally funny and savage.
Demonetisation and GST were some of the obvious targets of these jokes.
This lot, though is the funniest, particularly the one on cess, indirectly referring to Swachh Bharat cess, Krishi Kalyan cess and other kinds of cess this government has imposed on us since it came to power in 2014. Take note.
The US President had tweeted on May 31 midnight, ”Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” It was only deleted at 6 am the following morning. Trump replaced it with a tweet reading: “Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘covfefe’ ??? Enjoy!”
The Ministry of Finance, however, was prompt in deleting the tweet and did so without giving any kind of cheeky rejoinder to it.
Trump’s covfefe tweet had even made Merriam-Webster dictionary take note of it.
We think the alacrity with which Finance Ministry dealt with this faux pas, might be detrimental to “Sewa….see see” matching Covfefe’s legendary status.
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