Remember the time when director Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ was set to hit the screens in October 2016? There was a huge hue and cry over the release of the movie which featured Pakistani actor Fawad Khan. It was then that the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) workers tried to barge into Mumbai’s Metro Cinema to protest against the Diwali release.
Four months later, wives of two MNS members, who were arrested, have been given tickets from the party to contest the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) polls. Wife of MNS divisional president Shekhar Gawhane, Priti Gawhane, is the party candidate for Ward 222 (Dhobi Talav, Chandanwadi). Shekhar was among the 12 MNS members who were arrested in October.
Also, wife of Another MNS worker Sachin Gangawane who was also among the 12 members who were arrested seems to have been rewarded. Vaishali Gangawane is contesting from Ward 225 (Fort, Gateway of India) in the BMC polls. Polling on the two seats will be held on February 21.
Starting his party’s campaign just a week before February 21 civic elections, MNS chief Raj Thackeray had on February 14 said that the work done by MNS-ruled Nashik Municipal Corporation and asked voters to give him a chance to replicate the `Nashik model’ in Mumbai.
He also attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena for the “cock fight” ahead of the polls and said the voters should not fall prey to their advertising gimmick. “Sena and BJP are ruling the city for 25 years now. Have you ever asked where is the money gone? No. Only I will be subjected to criticism. I will be asked about the works done in Nashik. I will be asked about my blueprint for development. But when I deliver on promises, no one is interested to see it,” he said.
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