VK Sasikala is leaving no stone unturned to win the number game in Tamil Nadu politics. She has allegedly held party MLAs captive in Golden Bay Resorts in Mahabalipuram to avoid any deflection towards caretaker Chief Minister O Pannerselvam’s camp. The MLAs reportedly have been cut off from the outside world. They are not being allowed to read newspapers and their access to the internet has also been barred. Mobile jammers have also been installed at the resort.
Sasikala’s supporters have replaced the guards and there is constant patrolling in the corridors at the resort to keep and eye on the MLAs. Reports also suggest that several MLAs are protesting against the treatment that is being meted out to them with some of them also observing a fast. Adding fuel to the fire, Pannerselvam and his team have out-out a list of all AIADMK MLAs who are present at the resort along with their phone numbers for people to call them up directly and ask what’s going on.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, Governor Vidyasagar Rao met both Sasikala and Pannerselvam though it’s not yet clear who will get the first chance to prove majority in the House.
The current number game in the present Assembly:
AIADMK has 135 seats,
DMK has 89 seats,
Congress 8 seats
IUML 1 seat
For Sasikala to be in the next in line to acquire former CM Jayalalithaa’s legacy, she needs the support of 117 MLAs to pass the floor test. If Pannerselvam manages to convince 19 MLAs in his favour, Sasikala will be short of support. In that situation, whether or not Congress decides to back Sasikala will also have to be seen.
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