With Tamil Nadu’s stalwart leader Jayalalitha passing away, her loyal aide O Panneerselvam has been made the new chief minister of the state. The senior AIADMK leader took oath as the next CM of Tamil in the presence of Governor C Vidyasagar Rao following a 2-minute silence.
Senior AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam takes oath as the next CM of Tamil Nadu pic.twitter.com/8iwCls0pey
— ANI (@ANI_news) December 5, 2016
The leader was seen putting an image of Jayalalithaa in his pocket as a mark of remembrance.
Also read: The legend of Jayalalithaa (24.2.1948-5.12.2016) : Tracing the rise and rise of Amma
OP Panneerselvam has been in charge of Jayalalithaa’s portfolios since the time the AIADMK chief has been in the hospital and has been the interim CM twice before. Panneerselvam was the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu back in 2001 when Jayalalithaa was barred from holding office by the Supreme Court. He again stepped into Jayalalithaa’s shoes and became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu after the court convicted her in the disproportionate asset case.
As the chief minister, his task is cut out. The first challenge would be to ensure that law and order is not disturbed in the state where Amma’s followers are in a state of shock following the news of her death at 11:30 pm, Monday.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s supporters gathered in large number outside the Apollo hospital in Chennai after Jayalalithaa suffered a cardiac arrest late Sunday and had to be shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Also read: Remembering Amma! The interesting story of how Jayalalithaa became a film star
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu is on tenterhooks after the bus services were stopped and after an incident of stone pelting near Tiruvannamalai-Latha was reported in the state. Traffic police have blocked all the roads leading to Apollo hospital on the Greams Road, in order, to avoid traffic congestion.
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