Tamil Nadu Governor Vidhya Sagar Rao on February 6 accepted the resignation of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam a day after he put his papers down. The governor asserted that his resignation had been accepted and has requested Panneerselvam to continue till the further arrangements are made. This comes a day after Sasikala Natarajan was elected as the Legislative head of the AIADMK.
The party further announced that Sasikala Natarajan who was recently appointed as the General Secretary of AIADMK after former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa’s death, was elected as the Legislative head of the party. The AIADMK announced that O Panneerselvam proposed the name of “Chinnamma”, Sasikala Natarajan as the leader of AIADMK Legislature Party Leader.
Tamil Nadu Governor Vidhya Sagar Rao accepts O.Panneerselvam’s resignation from post of CM, asks him to continue until further arrangements. pic.twitter.com/6lzENX4IkV
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 6, 2017
Earlier on December 29, the ruling AIADMK passed a resolution to appoint Sasikala as the party’s General Secretary. The council also passed a resolution condoling the death of Jayalalithaa and several other resolutions. Following her appointment, some party leaders had also urged Sasikala to contest from R.K. Nagar constituency and become the Chief Minister.
Sasikala, who was once sacked from AIADMK’s primary membership by Jayalalithaa for anti party activities, is leading the AIADMK, the second largest opposition party in the Lok Sabha with 37 members. The party also has 13 members in Rajya Sabanti-party
ile, miffed with Sasikala’s appointment, late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa’s niece J. Deepa on January 17 announced her decision of joining politics and had said that she wasn’t sure whether she will join the AIADMK or float a new party.
Deepa said she would announce her next course of action on February 24, the birthday of her aunt Jayalalithaa, who died on December 5.
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