The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday hit out at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for seeking public funds to be used to pay off his legal bills worth Rs 3.42 crore. “Pay for your own Karma,” said Union Minister Prakash Javdekar at a press conference in Delhi.
Questioning the AAP government in Delhi, the BJP leader said: “There is no money for ‘Safai Karamcharis’ and they have money to be paid to lawyers for personal cases.” He also added that the party is looting the people of Delhi from “left right and center”.
.@AamAadmiParty is looting the people of Delhi from the left right and center : Shri @PrakashJavdekar
— BJP LIVE (@BJPLive) April 4, 2017
The questions posed by the BJP are:
1) Will the tax payer pay for other cases too?
“There are seven cases against Kejriwal. If the cases against Kejriwal cost him Rs 100 crore, will the public pay that money? This is a robbery on the money of the people.”
2) Should public fund not be used to resolve cases like Dengue?
“It is an individual case which an individual should defend. This is the same government which kept on saying that they don’t have money to fight dengue or pay the ‘safai karmchari’.”
3) Why should the people of Delhi pay for your (Kejriwal) sins?
Javdekar said that Kejriwal was taken to court by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for his “personal crime” and the Delhi government’s decision to foot his bills is against the law and rules of the government. “This is a dacoity and loot of their money and is completely unacceptable,” he said.
4) What about your claims of giving up VIP status when you became the CM?
The BJP claimed that when he took over a the Chief Minister, he and his leaders had promised to not avail official vehicles and residences, and lead a simple life. “However, their actions are completely opposite to its claims,” the BJP leader said.
BJP National Spokesperson Sambit Patra had earlier said that a number of elections have been fought through these EVMs. Even AAP won Delhi elections through EVMs. “So raising questions on EVMs today when you have lost just shows you are sour losers.”
Patra also said the credibility of the Election Commission and the credibility of EVM in India is an impeccable one.
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