Indian spinner Ravichandran Ashwin stuns everyone with his sarcasm-filled tweet on Tamil Nadu politics. Ashwin has been known for his witty tweets on various issues and stood by it. He tweeted, “To all youngsters in TN (Tamil Nadu), 234 opportunities to open up shortly”. In case you were wondering where the sarcasm lied in his tweet, Tamil Nadu Assembly has 234 seats. VK Sasikala aka ‘
VK Sasikala aka ‘Chinamma’ has been elected as the Chief Minister of TN after Thiru O Panneerselvam resigned from the post. Panneerselvan took over the Chief Minister post after J. Jayalalithaa. Ashwin’s tweet seemed like a ‘carrom ball’, fast and knocking the TN politics’ stumps flat on the ground.
To all the youngsters in TN, 234 job opportunities to open up shortly.
— Ashwin Ravichandran (@ashwinravi99) February 6, 2017
Ashwin’s comment on TN politics clearly indicated that the netas in the assembly won’t be doing their work properly and would be hiring youngsters to do their job on the ground whereas the assembly members won’t be doing anything.
His tweet caused a stir on social media. He didn’t just stop there. He tweeted once again with another sarcasm-drenched tweet. It seems like Ashwin’s clarification is not a clarification at all. Though Ashwin is at the peak of his career, he already has a back-up career option in place, politics.
Guys please cool it down, it is a job creation drive.Nothing to do with Politics.#howmuchtwisting
— Ashwin Ravichandran (@ashwinravi99) February 6, 2017
Over the recent Jalikattu row which attracted the interest of many, Ashwin also voiced his opinions on the matter asking people to protest in a silent and civil manner
Ashwin is to play against Bangladesh in one-off Test against Bangladesh starting February 9. He was rested for the T20I series against England which India won by 2-1.
Ashwin recently also won the ICC Cricketer of the Year award. He also became the second fastest bowler to reach 200 wickets in Tests.
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