Controversial Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad is back in the news and this time it is for creating a ruckus in Latur after he was unsuccessful in withdrawing money from an ATM near the bus stand. Earlier, Gaikwad had made it to national headlines for beating up an Air India staffer on a flight on March 23, which resulted in airlines imposing a flying ban on him for some time.
According to a Times of India report, Gaikwad was in Latur to campaign for Sena candidates contesting the local municipal corporation polls. He was reportedly questioning the chief manager of the State Bank of India (SBI) about the empty ATM which prompted the police to step in, following which Gaikwad allegedly behaved rudely with the police officials, staged an agitation and shouted slogans.
He and his supporters were subsequently booked for unlawful assembly, misbehaviour and causing disorder at a public place. An FIR was registered against Gaikwad and others for unlawful assembly and other sections of the Mumbai Police Act.
According to the report, Ravindra Gaikwad had sent one of his supporters to withdraw money and when he returned without the money, Gaikwad summoned the bank officials. SBI Chief manager GS Waghmare went to the ATM after he learnt of the agitation there and tried to explain Gaikwad as to why there was no money at the ATM, however, the Shiv Sena MP and his supporters kept misbehaving with the bank official, following which the police had to intervene, but even they weren’t spared by the Sena people.
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