Following the footsteps of late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalaithaa, the newly-elected Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath is planning to start canteens for the under privileged section of people where meals will be served at unbelievable prices. If reports are to be believed, then the canteens will serve breakfast and lunch at Rs 3 and Rs 5, respectively. The scheme ‘Annapurna Bhojanalya’ is being formulated by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in the state.
The morning meals will consist of idli sambhar, porridge and poha along with tea while there will be dal, rice, vegetable and chapatis served in lunch, according to reports. Adityanath has ordered the preparation of a draft for this scheme and the CM himself will formally announce it once the draft materialises. This scheme will be developed under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and it will reportedly be implemented in all of the 14 municipal corporations in Uttar Pradesh.
Ever since he became the chief minister of the country’s most politically significant state, Yogi Adityanath has been doing some ground-breaking work from banning the consumption of tobacco products in public offices to shutting down the illegal slaughterhouses in the state.
Most recent revelation by the Yogi-led government was the waiving off of loans of up to Rs 1 lakh per farmer in the state. It was a waiver of more than Rs 36,000 crore for the farmers.
Meanwhile, those who believed that Yogi Adityanath will aggressively pursue the Sangh agenda in UP, the chief minister has delivered a mighty blow to them by introducing English from the nursery level.
The opposition of the Sangh for English is well-known. In 2016, Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh-affiliate, in a letter to the Union Human Resource Development, had sought that English be phased out as medium of instruction at all levels. However, it seems that by introducing English, the UP CM has clearly given out a message that he’ll do whatever he this is right for development of the state.
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