Amid crackdown on slaughterhouses across the state of Uttar Pradesh, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has threatened to shut down all the shops which are cutting and selling meat or chicken on their premises with or without the certificate/licence.
According to reports, the demands from the VHP members to close such shops have already started reaching the police officials in Noida. It has also threatened to unleash vigilante groups if the police fails to take action.
The VHP says that even if the meat shops have a valid licence from the district administration, they cannot cut the meat of already slaughtered animals on the premises.
The shopkeepers, however, cited practical reasons for cutting the slaughtered animal and selling at their shops. While earlier the slaughter of animals went unchecked at most of the shops in Gautam Budh Nagar and Ghaziabad, the shopkeepers have now started buying already slaughtered chicken or goats from places like Ghazipur Mandi in Delhi or New Ashok Nagar.
The VHP has already informed police about 20 roadside shops selling chicken/meat in Mamura area of Noida. Meanwhile, the police have said that all meat shops which are running without a licence will be shut down. However, if someone has a valid licence, he/she will not be harassed unnecessarily and would be allowed to work.
If someone targets even those having licence, the police will take action against the person for disturbing law and order as directed by UP CM Yogi Adityanath.
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