IPS officer Charu Nigam was seen bursting into tears in public after a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA from Yogi Adityanath’s Gorakhpur, verbally assaulted her and humiliated her publicly in the state of Uttar Pradesh. In a video that is now going viral on social media, you can see the MLA who has been identified as Radha Mohan Agrawal yelling and shouting at her as others looked on. Charu Nigam is an IPS officer posted in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.
The incident took place near the Koilhwa village where a number of local women staged a protest against the sale of illegal liquor in the area. According to reports, the police were making efforts to maintain the law and order and keep the situation under control. However, the police had to resort to lathi-charge to disperse the crowd after the protestors reportedly started pelting stones on the officials. The incident left a few women injured.
Following which, MLA Radha Mohan rushed to the spot and got into an argument with Charu Nigam. You can see Radha Mohan repeatedly telling Charu Nigam that he was not speaking to her and would only speak to her senior even as the IPS officer continued to explain him the situation. He even went on to tell her to “not cross limits”.
“Main aapse baat nahin kar raha hoon. Mujhe tum kuch na batao. Chup raho tum. Bardasht ke bahar mat jao (I am not speaking to you. You don’t try to tell me anything. Keep quiet. Do not cross your limits),” Radha Mohan can be heard saying in the video.
“I am in-charge. The law and order was being breached. I know what I am doing,” she told the MLA. However, the MLA refused to listen to her. Charu’s senior had to rush to the spot and speak to Radha Mohan.
According to news reports, the lawmaker claimed that he was upset with the way the police officers used force on the protestors protesting peacefully and asserted that he had not misbehaved with Charu Nigam.
Watch the video here:
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