The Trinamool Congress (TMC) on Wednesday won the municipal polls in Bengal by bagging four of seven civic bodies in the state. With this verdict, the TMC has broken the 10-year-old hold of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) in the hills. The Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee-led won a decisive majority in Domkal, Raigunj and Pujali in the plains and Mirik in the hill area.
“The hills are smiling,” Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee tweeted. “Congratulations to Ma Mati Manush for again & again putting their trust in us,” the Trinamool leader said in another tweet.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which is on a winning spree in several elections across the country, was hoping to leave a mark in civic polls in West Bengal and challenge Mamata Banerjee but failed to make a dent in the polls winning just three seats. The BJP won one seat in the Raigunj municipality of North Dinajpur district and two seats in Pujali in South 24 Paraganas.
Here are the updates of the counting:
12:00 pm: The TMC captured 24 of the 27 wards in Raigunj, while the Congress bagged two.
11:30 am: The GJM retained three civic bodies in the hills, the TMC put up a creditable performance by winning six of the nine seats in Mirik.
11:00 am: TMC wins civic polls in Pujali, Domkal, Mirik
10:25 am: TMC puts out a victory message on Twitter.
#VerdictOfBengal Trinamool all the way |
— AITC (@AITCofficial) May 17, 2017
10:25 am: TMC wins 17 wards in Domkal, Congress bags 1 and CPM 2
10:10 am:It is for the first time that TMC has won a civic body and one ward (Darjeeling) in the hills.
10:00 am: Harka Bahadur Chettri led Jan Andolan Party wins its first seat in Kalimpong.
9:45 am: GJM wins 16 wards, TMC wins 4 in Kurseong municipality.
8:30 am: TMC seen leading in six wards in Mirik municipality, GJM leading in three
8:20 am: TMC wins ward numbers 1,5,7 and 8 in Pujali. Congress wins one ward in Pujali.
8:00 AM: Counting begins. Heavy security in place to ensure safety around the countíng centres
## There have been accusations from the opposition parties that Trinamool Congress has been resorting to ‘strong arm tactics’ in the polls and have demanded a free and fair poll.
## The elections on Sunday were marked by violence with TMC supporters roaming around with firearms, The Indian Express reported. Reports also said that bombs were hurled at polling booths and voters were beaten up.
## Some EVMs were also reportedly damaged or snatched from polling personnel.
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