Congress chief Sonia Gandhi’s letter to the former Finance Minister P Chidambaram has created a storm on Twitter. Hashtags including #SoniaLetterLeaked and #SoniaTejpalQuidProQuo are trending on the social networking platform along with the copies of the letter that was written by Gandhi on her official letterhead when she was the chairperson of the National Advisory Council. The letter reportedly asked the former finance minister to look into the allegations of harassment of the private firm First Global, which financed Tehelka.
The leaked letters and the revelations:
The leaked letters reveal that the Congress President had asked the then finance minister to look into the case made by the directors of First Global “on priority” so that “no unfair treatment is meted out to the petitioners”. The letters are also a part of a forthcoming book titled ‘Life among the Scorpions: Memoirs of a Woman in Indian Politics’ by ex-chief of the Samta Party, Jaya Jaitly.
Incidentally, the letter was written four days before the then UPA government formed a Group of Ministers (GoM) and seven days before the case against the financiers of Tehelka was dropped.
ALSO READ: Sonia Gandhi hits out at PM Modi in an open letter to her supporters in Raebareli
Reacting to the story, former finance minister P Chidambaram demanded that his reply should be read along with the leaked letter. He told PTI,
My noting on the letter is correct. I am certain that, on behalf of the (Finance) ministry, I would have sent a reply based on the material put up to me. The letter of Gandhi and my reply should be read together. I suggest that the media may ask the government to release the reply to the letter.
The Tehelka expose:
Tehelka magazine, which was popular for its investigative journalism, had exposed the alleged corruption in defence deal during the ruling of Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led NDA government. The expose had to the resignation of the former Defense Minister George Fernandes. The then BJP president Bangaru Laxman was also convicted in the matter.
Meanwhile, here’s how Twitter reacted:
This proves that the PM of India was reduced to being a lame duck stooge & the Italian Mafioso was ruling the roost..
— Patriot (@Patriot59821291) November 6, 2017
Those who said Sonia Gandi never interfered sud know by now that she was the actual person ruling the nation behind Robot #SoniaLetterLeaked
— Raushan Raj (@AskRaushan) November 6, 2017
#SoniaLetterLeaked Sonia should also speak on this…..
— Sonu Kumar (@Sonukryadav1991) November 6, 2017
#SoniaLetterLeaked Congress never cared abt protocols. From shielding terrorists to manipulating affidavits, they’re capable of anything
— Amarjeet Singh Deo (@amarsdeo) November 6, 2017
#SoniaLetterLeaked There u Go. No place on earth where you dont find Congress corruption, malpractices, Still they want to be PM Shameless
— Tejinder (@TheTeji) November 6, 2017
It is obvious Sonia didn’t want any case/investigation against her own corrupt associates- case being closed in 6 days!#SoniaLetterLeaked
— Suprema She (@suprema_she) November 6, 2017
It seems Sonia was repaying the debt to Tehelka’s chief Tejpal for his stories against Modi ??#SoniaLetterLeaked
— Seema Choudhary (@Seems3r) November 6, 2017
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