Amid the ongoing political turmoil in the state of Tamil Nadu, TN Governor C Vidyasagar Rao is likely to take the decision on who would form a government in the state. Both Palanisamy and O Panneerselvam had requested the Governor to allow them to prove their majority in the assembly.
According to initial reports, the governor is likely to ask Palanisamy to be the Chief Minister of the state. However, there is no official confirmation as yet. While Palanisamy has claimed the support of 124 MLAs, Panneerselvam has claimed that he has the popular support. Meanwhile, Panneerselvam has claimed that the AIADMK MLAs were held captive at the resorts and he was not being able to communicate with them.
Yesterday, AIADMK MLA S Saravanan filed a FIR against Sasikala and Palanisamy while claiming that he was kidnapped and held hostage at the Golden Bay resort. It must be noted that Saravanan had escaped from the resort and landed up at Panneerselvam’s residence. AIADMK General Secretary Sasikala Natarajan who was convicted by the Supreme Court in the disproportionate assets case surrendered before the Bangalore court on February 15. Supreme Court had also dismissed her plea to grant more time to surrender.
After the verdict, Sasikala held an emergency meeting at the Golden Bay resort where she had lodged all the MLAs to keep the flock together. AIADMK soon announced that Sasikala has been replaced by Edappadi K Palanisamy as legislative party leader of the party. He has urged the governor to allow him to form a government in the state. The final call now lies with the governor.
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