Excited over the results of various exit polls predicting huge gains for the BJP in different states, senior leader and BJP MP Subramanian Swamy took to Twitter and said, “If Exit Polls are correct then it means that Hindutva with Namo (Narendra Modi) have delivered four of the five states for BJP.”
This is not for the first time, when the controversial BJP leader has stressed on the Hindutava agenda rather than the saffron brigade’s development plank.
Swamy had earlier advised the BJP to blend development with Hindutva and a “promising fight against corruption” for electoral victory.
Advocating a three-pronged approach to win polls, Swamy said, economic development is a must, but it should be blended with “Hindutva and a promising fight against corruption.”
“The politics that has been going on before 2014 was (about) how to divide the votes on caste, region, religion and language, by consolidating the minority and dividing the majority.
“If one has to combat that, then majority vote has to be consolidated. Hindus are 80 per cent, but BJP got 31 per cent votes (in 2014). Consolidating Hindu vote is compulsory,” he had said.
While the elections were going on in UP, party Amit Shah had dubbed Congress, SP and BSP as ‘Kasab’. The comment had sparked off a row, but it was Swamy who came to the rescue of Shah and said, “The BJP had gained ground after introducing some Hindutva essence into its campaign.”
He wrote on Twitter: “Happy to see in UP that BJP is gaining every day after some Hindutva essence introduced in the campaign flavour.”
Meanwhile, the BJP appeared as single largest party in Uttar Pradesh with 164-176 seats. The SP-Congress would bag 156-169 seats, while the BSP is projected to get 60-72 seats, predicted the ABP News-CSDS. The BJP is 27 seats short of majority.
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