BSF officers, Jawans including woman personnel, waiting to watch motivational training clip, were left red faced after an officer inadvertently played a porn video in course of a presentation. The embarrassing incident took place during a BSF meet , which was held at the headquarters of the 77th Battalion in Punjab’s Ferozepur on Sunday morning where the personnel were to discuss issues faced by them. According to a report in Indian Express, the porn clip played out in presence of a dozen women personnel and 20 men were present in the hall. After the laptop of a deputy commandant was connected to a projector, an accidental click on a file started the ‘porn clip’ that played for over a minute.
While some reports suggest that the clip played out for nearly 90 seconds, however, BSF inspector general, Punjab Frontier, Mukul Goyal said the porn clip was played for about two to five seconds and seven to eight women were present in the room at the time.
The IG also said such material should not have been on the official laptop of an officer adding the BSF is taking the matter seriously. Following the incident, the BSF initiated a probe into the matter. “There was a goof-up and a porn clip was played…. An inquiry has been ordered,” said RS Kataria, a Deputy Inspector General and spokesperson of the border force in Punjab.
“It is pertinent to mention here that the Border Security Force is a highly disciplined force and such actions which affect its discipline and efficiency are never tolerated. In this case also, strict action would be taken against the defaulters after completion of the inquiry,” BSF said in a statement. The case is the second major embarrassment for the BSF after a jawan, Tej Bahadur Yadav, shared the poor quality of food served in the force on social media. Bahadur was later dismissed from the force.
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