On the morning of April 10, 2018 Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tweeted out something that needs the country’s immediate attention. Since, indigestion and constipation are the country’s foremost concerns as of now, the Prime Minister took out some time of his busy schedule to address the issue head on. He gave us a video tutorial on how to do Padahastasana – a set of Yogic exercises that helps you fight pet ki bimaari and kabz.
Making Padahastasana a regular part of your lives will make your body healthier and your mind calmer. What more can one ask for! pic.twitter.com/eOe5SxybHV
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 10, 2018
If you closely observe, the tutorial is not being given by a real person, which in this case was supposed to be the Prime Minister. Now, it is understandable that a busy man like the PM will hardly find the time to take us through the various steps of Padahastasana himself. But there is no beating Modi when it comes to finding creative solutions to difficult problems facing the country. In the video, a 3D-animated version of the Prime Minister – sleek, fit and really good looking – makes an appearance. It will take you a while to acquaint yourself with the fact that it is indeed our PM. All you need to do is suspend your logical thinking for a while, take a deep breath and unleash the power of your imagination.
Once you have done that, you are ready for this beautiful journey with the Prime Minister.
Here’s the video.
There are many such videos of the Prime Minister performing different yogic postures all for the benefit of his country men.
In a video where he is performing ardhachakrasan – which is supposed to make your spine (supposing you have one) flexible – the prime minister is seen wearing a body-hugging saffron T-shirt as opposed the Ambekarite blue in the rest of the videos.
You can take a look.
The Prime Minister makes for a better yoga teacher than the many scantily clad yoginis who crowd instagram and Youtube. If you are one of those who has a propensity of messaging female Yoga bloggers and complimenting them about their flexibility and how their husbands must be so lucky to have such flexible wives, following Prime Minister’s yogic postures is highly recommended for you. Also, by doing so you will be contributing to the Prime Minister’s efforts of being building a nation of healthy people, who have the strength to endure the worst of catastrophes.
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