In India’s patriarchal set up, groom’s family often have upper hands in functions like marriage. However, a 22-year old woman has set an example by rejecting his to be husband after he arrived at Gurudwara in an intoxicated state. The incident took place at Punjab’s Dinanagar on Sunday when the bride saw Jaspreet Singh (groom) faltering while walking after he stepped out of a car with the wedding party. She not only refused to proceed with the wedding rituals at Gurdwara Maharaja Ranjit Singh but also demmaded a emdical check-up, reports The Tribune
The groom’s family ,however, claimed he was not at all intoxicated and had injured himself in the foot so he couldn’t walk straight . While Jaspreet’s family claimed Sunita demanded a medical check up. Refusing to buckle down under pressure of groom’s family, Sunita took her for a medical test at a private laboratory in Gurdaspur and her suspicion turned true. “Even at the police station, Sunita was repeatedly asked to soften her stand, but to no avail,” a police officer told the daily. Sunita reported the matter at the police station near the gurdwara. Sunita, whose father is a truck driver, said she would not marry a drug addict.
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