Rajasthan police has arrested a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader for misbehaving and abusing a woman sub inspector (ASI).The incident took place in Chittorgarh on Tuesday evening when ASI Kamlesh Kanwar stopped a youth for rash driving. When the youth was asked to produce documents, he called a local BJP leader Prem Sharma who came to the spot on Tavera, he slapped and abused the youth (infront of lady cop) for breaking the law and asked the woman cop to let him go. However, when the woman cop refused, Sharma started abusing her saying he had MPs, and MLAs in his pocket and has the power to transfer her. After the incident the lady cop filed a complaint at the police station following which Sharma was arrested.
Om Prakash Solanki,CI Chittorgarh police, told Zee News that the woman cop stopped a youth for rash driving and was asked to produce documents. However, he called BJP leader Prem Sharma, who came to the spot and put pressure on the ASI to release the youth. When she refused, Sharma started abusing her.
A video capturing the incident went viral on social media sites. The incident one again highlights how local politicians of ruling party consider themselves above law and they prevent an honest police official from discharging his/her duty. Last month,a A nephew of Uttar Pradesh (UP) legislative council chairman and Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Ramesh Yadav slapped a sub-inspector in a police station in Etah after he was held for allegedly assaulting hospital staffers who refused to give in to his demand for “VIP treatment”.
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