Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s controversial Padmavati-turned-Padmaavat has hit theatres and fringe outfits have kept their promise to unleash mayhem on the streets after the film’s release. And, as expected, they are blocking roads, damaging movie halls and torching vehicles, and even pelting stones at school buses.
Also Read: Section 144 imposed in Gurgaon after Padmaavat protesters torch vehicles, theatres
Amid all the chaos at cinema halls showing Padmaavat, here is BJP leader and champion of ‘Rajput pride’ supporter Suraj Pal Amu, who made an obnoxious comment on TV only to be schooled by the anchor. The Haryana BJP media coordinator, who shot to ‘fame’ after his offer of Rs 10 crore as bounty for actor Deepika Padukone and Bhansali’s head, addressed a television channel anchor as ‘baby’.
Amu made the comment during a debate on the film ‘Padmaavat’ on Wednesday. His sexist comments were hardly surprising, considering that he has given worse statements on public platforms.
However, it was Chowhan’s scathing takedown which was remarkable. The TV anchor questioned how he dared to address her as ‘baby’. She repeatedly warns him not to call her baby and Amu continues to argue with her. She also slams his supporters for indulging in violence across the country, but Amu couldn’t understand the inappropriateness of his statement. At one point, he says,”I will neither address you as a baby nor as a sister.”
ALSO READ: How these brave teachers shielded students from the violent fury of Padmaavat protesters
During the heated conversation, Amu remains defiant and goes on to casually threaten her by saying, “She will cry if I scold her.” But Chowhan kept calling him out for his bad behaviour and asked him to apologise. In the end, the BJP leader asked her to shut up and left the show.
Here is the video of the entire episode:
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