In what could be a major blow to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, renowned lawyer Ram Jethmalani has reportedly quit as his counsel in the Rs 10 crore defamation case that was filed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Jethmalani’s reaction comes on the day that the Delhi High Court was to hear the petition filed by Jaitley against Kejriwal.
Additionally, Ram Jethmalani who is one of the most expensive lawyers in the country has also sent a bill of whopping Rs 2 Crore to Arvind Kejriwal as his legal fee. The Delhi Chief Minister had reportedly told the court during the hearing that he had not asked his counsel to use offensive language against Jaitley on a hearing that took place on May 17.
Following which, Jethmalani reportedly wrote back to Kejriwal saying that the Delhi Chief Minister had used worse language against the Finance Minister during private discussions. Jethmalani had earlier asserted that the language that he used against Jaitley was as per instructions issued by his client.
Also Read: All you need to know: Why Jethmalani is not charging a penny from ‘poor’ Arvind Kejriwal?
However, Arvind Kejriwal refuted all claims and affirmed that he had not given any such instructions. The tussle comes months after it was reported that Arvind Kejriwal was allegedly seeking permission to use public money to pay for his court battle. Moments after which Ram Jethmalani had asserted that he only charges the “rich” and works “free” for the “poor”.
“I charge only the rich but for poor, I work for free. All this is instigated by Mr.Jailtley who’s afraid of my cross-examination,” Ram Jethmalani had said.
It all began after Kejriwal on February 25, approached the Delhi High Court in order to seek the bank details of Arun Jaitley and his family members from the year 1999 to 2015. During cross examination, Jaitley said that he had filed a defamation case as his reputation hampered in “irreparable” manner.
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