Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s ‘Z-plus’ security cover was withdrawn after a special CBI court pronounced him guilty in a rape case, said DS Dhesi, Haryana chief secretary. He also denied any special treatment being given to the Dera chief in Rohtak jail after being held guilty in the 15-year-old rape case.
“The moment he was arrested yesterday, his ‘Z plus’ security cover stood automatically withdrawn,” Dhesi said, according to a PTI report.
“He is being treated as an ordinary prisoner. It was reported that he was given an air conditioner, but, there is nothing like that. As far as food is concerned, he is served the same food which other prisoners have,” he added.
Besides, the security personnel drawn from the Haryana Police, he was accompanied by his private commandos when he arrived in Panchkula in a carcade from Sirsa to appear before the court. After his conviction, he has been lodged in a jail at Sunaria in Rohtak.
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Earlier, Haryana director general of police (jails) KP Singh had also denied any special treatment being extended to the high-profile convict.
When asked about the challenges the jail authorities may face due to presence of a high-profile prisoner, he said to keep him secure inside jail would no doubt be a challenge.
Commenting on the number of visitors the Dera chief would be meeting him in the jail, Singh said every prisoner can give names of five persons whom he wants to meet, and he will also be allowed to meet them only like any other ordinary prisoners.
–With PTI inputs
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