Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda is though known for his marvellous works for several films like Sarbjeet, Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster part-I, Kick, Highway etc. and he also has a huge fan following across the country. But in the recent times, Hooda is also has been in the headlines due to his posts made on the social media. His views not only sparked controversies but also garnered a lot of criticism.
And after creating so much hustle in the past days, Hooda took to his Facebook account on May 27 and advised the people out there to how to stay away from provocative social media posts, news pieces on religious issues. This practice would help people facing ‘religious insecurities’ in the country.
If you are Muslim and suddenly start feeling unsafe in country where you lived for more than thousand years..
If you are Dalit and start feeling insulted on every moment of life..
If you are Hindu and suddenly start feeling that cows are being slaughtered everywhere…
If you are a Jain and suddenly start feeling that your religious piety is being compromised…
If you are punjabi and think all the youth are on drugs.
Just do one thing…
– Stay away from social media…
– Don’t watch news…
– Stay away from debates on
Just look around you at your friends who belong to different castes, communities and religions…
And you will find that you are living in one of the best countries in the world!!
The post was made on May 27 and within two days, nearly 86,000 people have reacted to this and more than 23,000 people have shared the same. Meanwhile, there were ‘uncountable’ comments by the people. many of his followers were in support of Randeep Hooda and agreed to the point he made.
But, there were critics too. There were certain users who didn’t like Randeep’s opinion at all. And this was the way they reacted.
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