A panchayat in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district reportedly asked Fazal Hussain, accused of raping a girl, to drink the urine of the victim. Soon after, Hussain’s body was found in the Samsar lake in the Himalayan Pir Panjal Range. The 25-year-old man allegedly committed suicide by jumping into a lake.
Station House Officer Mohammad Jahangir said that Hussain had been given a choice to either pay money to the girl’s family as damages or drink her urine. It is being said that the punishment forced him to end his life. A case has been registered but no arrests have been made so far. Hussain was a graduate and was married. He was identified by his slippers that he had left on the lake’s banks.
In a video purportedly recorded before committing suicide, Hussain can be heard saying that no justice is delivered in these courts. “People have set up courts within their four walls of their houses” who decide “what is true or false and deliver justice. I am recording my statement so that whosoever listens to it shall know that no justice is delivered in these courts,” he said in his video.
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He said that the only proof against him was his conversation with a boy which he claims was done under threat. He claimed in the video that two people, Liaqat and Jabbar, blackmailed him before taking the matter to the panchayat.
“I pleaded innocence telling them that I have six sisters and the girl was like my seventh. I even asked them to get her medically examined, but they did not listen and held me guilty,” he said. He was asked to drink her urine in the girl’s presence since the panchayat was held at her residence. “What type of justice is it that a devout Muslim is forced to drink urine,” he is heard questioning in the video.
He also added that he approached the local Imam for help but he was failed there too. Unable to bear the humiliation, he said that he was “dying happily. Those who leveled false accusations will also die one day. No one will be able to trace my dead body, nor will my janaza (funeral) be taken out, but Allah will do justice.”
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