Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad who was expected to fly in Air India days after his flying ban was lifted has snubbed the airlines and have taken Rajdhani train instead. Gaikwad who was scheduled to fly business class from Pune to Delhi with Air India which was his first flight after flight ban on him was lifted reportedly did not take the flight.
According to reports, Gaikwad boarded the Rajdhani Express on April 9. This comes days after all the airlines who had imposed a flying ban on him after he hit an Air India staffer, lifted the ban. Apparently, he had booked the same flight where the scuffle broke out last week and it is also being reported that the Gaikwad had insisted on giving him a business class ticket in an all-economy flight.
The government succumbed to the pressure after the Shiv Sena hit out at the airlines saying that no flights will fly out of Mumbai if the ban was not lifted. Gaikwad even refused to apologise to the staffer saying that he misbehaved with him first. The Shiv Sena MP even charged at the civil aviation minister in Lok Sabha after he said that the law should take its own course.
Gaikwad had to resort to trains and roads after he banned from flying since the incident took place. While lifting the ban the Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) asserted that ban was being lifted on the assurance that the Shiv Sena MP would not misbehave and treat their staff with utmost respect. In a shameful incident that took place on March 24, Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad allegedly hit a 60-year-old Air India official 25 times with his slippers.
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