Reliance Jio will start enrolling customers for its prime membership plan from today, which will be available at a subscription fee of Rs 99. Jio’s Happy New Year plan will also be included in the Prime membership programme. Jio’s disruptive price policy has forced other telecom operators to drastically cut call and data tariffs. Mukesh Ambani led telecom company has announced Jio prime plan to retain its 100 million customers as it will become a paid service from April 1.
Here is what you need to know about the Jio prime plan
1) Jio Prime plan,that marks telco’s foray into paid subscription, will be available from March 1 to March 31.
2) Users will have to pay Rs 303 per month to access Jio’s 4G services as well as the entire bouquet of Jio media services till March 31, 2018.
3) If you subscribe to Jio Prime , you will get 1 GB data per day or 30 GB every month at a price of Rs 303 which is still better than what rival telcos like Airtel, Vodafone, idea are offering. Additionally users will get unlimited data between 2 am to 5 am.
4) Reliance Jio will continue to offer domestic calls to any network including STD and roaming for free beyond April 1, 2017.
5) If you don’t opt for the prime membership plan, you will be charged as per tariffs announced by the company last year.
6) Users who’re not on Jio can get on the network on or before March 31 to avail the Prime membership offer.
7) Reliance Jio plans also includes free access to Jio apps, including MyJio, JioChat, JioMoney, JioMusic etc. Content on these apps can only be accessed via the Jio network.
8) The new Jio Prime plans are now listed on the company’s website and are divided for Postpaid and Prepaid customers, alongside the regular non-Prime plans.
9) “Jio promises to provide world-class data at prices affordable to all Indians.” Mr Ambani said.
10) Reliance Jio, which launched its services on September 8 last year, has been providing data and voice telephony services for free under various promotional schemes.
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