Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that soon the roads in the state will be potholes free. He made the statement at a public meeting in Deoria where he promised that by June 15 roads in UP will be pothole free.
UP Chief Minister said, “UP came to be known as the place where streets are filled with potholes and it is completely dark after night. We have now decided to ensure that by June 15, UP’s streets are potholes free,” said the UP chief minister today at an event in Deoria”, as reported by ANI.
With this CM also has a plan for providing electricity in the state, in the meeting he said, “Every district headquarter will be provided electricity for 24 hours. Every tehsil district will be given electricity for 20 hours per day and villages to be given electricity for 18 hours per day”.
As the newly formed government in the state is focusing on cow protection while visiting a cowshed in Gorakhpur, which is also his parliamentary constituency, CM said “Cows are also required in religious rituals of the Hindus. Cowsheds will be promoted in all the districts. The central government is also promoting cowsheds in UP and other states. We will take the assistance of the central government in setting up cowsheds and dairies,” he told the media.
Lauding welfare schemes launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he added that people have to be sensitised about BJP’s policies and the welfare schemes. CM said this government is committed to solve the problems of public.
Editor’s note: The earlier version of the copy mistakenly translated gaddha (potholes) as gadha (donkey). Error is regretted.
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